Intervention/practice worksheets for Set 1 Special Friends:
Sound card image, rhyme and sound
Nonsense and Green Word practice
Handwriting practice
Sentence Practice
Ink Saving black and white - perfect for colouring in when the intervention is over and easy on the toner!
All RWI sounds and initial sounds available.
All letters A-Z (qu combined) - perfect for use around the classroom! We also sell Door signs and folder covers - have a look at our other listings and bundles.
Intervention/practice worksheets for all set one initial and speed sounds including additional sounds.
Sound card image, rhyme and sound
Nonsense and Green Word practice for speed sounds
Match the words for initial sounds
Handwriting practice
Sentence Practice for speed sounds
Ink Saving black and white - perfect for colouring in when the intervention is over and easy on the toner!
All RWI sound sets available separately.
I have created this 79 slide pack to use throughout the year with our class. Pack includes:
26 x initial sounds “write the sound” slides
26 x initial sounds “sound spotter” slides
7 x “read, pick and write” slides (one for each week of term)
11 x “sentence spotter” slides
5 x “fix the sentence” slides
4 x “sentence builder” slides
All letters 6 Set 1 Special Friends - perfect for use around the classroom!
We also sell Set 2, Set 3, Additional Sounds and Set 1 initial sounds - have a look at our listings and bundles.
How to Catch a Star
Room on the Broom
The Tiger Who Came to Tea
Whatever Next
The Gruffalo
Handa’s Surpise
The Colour Monster
The Snail and the Whale
Tyrannosaurus Drip
A Flying Visit
The Gruffalo Maths CP Pack for tuff trays and tables including:
Numbers 0-20 cards with additional sheet of +,-,=
Part whole model and number sentence templates
Biggest to Smallest
Pre made tasks
Write your own task cards
Phonics pack and matching games also available.
I have created this Widgit version of The Colour Monster for the SEND children in our class. Every page of the book including an activity for conversation, cut and stick etc.
Intervention/practice worksheets for Set 3 Special Friends:
Sound card image, rhyme and sound
Nonsense and Green Word practice
Handwriting practice
Sentence Practice
Ink Saving black and white - perfect for colouring in when the intervention is over and easy on the toner!
All RWI sounds and initial sounds available.
I’ve made this little game to go with my christmas gifts to the children in my class so thought I’d share! I’ll be printing them 2/page as mini games but they would work great on A4 or even A3 for table fun in class.
Enjoy and Happy Christmas
RWI Set 1 Special Friends Matching Game
This is one page of our Full RWI set game included in our Spring Game pack - have a look at our listings for the full pack.
Lighthouse printable jigsaw activity with spot the sounds.
This is one of four jigsaws in our Summer at the Beach activity pack - check out our store to download.